APEX Track Pack
An ATP entitles the you to attend a number of APEX trackdays during the current season at a significant discount. An ATP is for individual riders only and is not transferable. See complete rules below.
Just $249 per day!
For up to $1800 track time credit! (based on the trackdays you choose to ride)
$1494 for 6 track days in the 2025 season.
APEX Track Pack (ATP)
ATPs are much more restrictive than trackdays purchased individually, but credits may be used for any trackday during the season they were purchased. These rules will be adhered to in all cases. Do not purchase an ATP unless you are 100% willing to accept these terms:
- ATPs must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
- The ATP is for an individual rider and is not transferable under any circumstances.
- ATP holders must sign up for (reserve) the dates they want to ride. Sign up may be done at any time, not just when purchasing a track pack. There is no special entitlement that places an ATP holder ahead of other waiting list riders, so sign up for your dates as soon as possible.
- Canceling a trackday reservation with at least two weeks notice does not use a day from your ATP. Canceling inside two weeks does use the credit! SOLE EXCEPTION: If a waiting list rider buys your spot from us, then canceling late does not use a credit. Again, ATP credits are not transferable. You cannot give or sell the credit to another rider.
- Trackday reservations may be moved to another date with at least two weeks notice, and with the same freedom as individually-purchased trackdays.
- The ATP is non-refundable and is limited to the season in which it was purchased, period. Do not crash your bike at the first trackday and then ask for a refund.
- Extra trackdays beyond the ATP quantity are purchased at the regular price. (I.e., if you use up your ATP and want to do another trackday, it is purchased through our website.) It is not possible to convert money spent for trackdays that have already taken place towards an ATP. However, if you have purchased future trackdays with payment you may convert those funds towards an ATP.
- Unused days expire at the end of the calendar year. However, under special circumstances, we may, at our sole discretion, allow unused days to be added to an ATP for the next season.